Hackney Menopause Cafe


In exciting news, Hackney Menopause Café is starting on Wednesday 1st May, 5:30 to 7:30pm at WaterHouse Hoxton, 10 Orsman Rd, London N1 5QJ.

People can register to come in advance or just turn up. Attendance is free and there will be free hot drinks, cakes and savoury snacks. After the launch, Hackney Menopause Café will continue to run on the first Wednesday of each month, between 5.30-7.30pm at WaterHouse Hoxton.

A menopause café is aimed at promoting conversation, breaking down stigma and increasing awareness of the impact of the menopause and perimenopause. It is a discussion group, open to all ages and genders, with no set agenda. It’s participant-led, so discussion topics are generated by those who attend with the support of a volunteer host and facilitator. It is for anyone experiencing the menopause or perimenopause, or those affected by it as a partner, family member, friend or carer. It is a welcoming space, and supportive for people attending either on their own or with a partner or friend.

Hackney Menopause Cafe has been organised by a group of Hackney residents with support from the City & Hackney Women’s Health Hub (Homerton Healthcare NHS Trust). The residents met through our menopause virtual group consultations and wanted to continue their conversations in person. For more information, you or patients can email me and visit the Menopause Cafe website (including our café listing in their events calendar).  People can check out the WaterHouse Hoxton venue here.

Published: May 1, 2024